New Wellness Center classes begin in January. For only $45 a month, you can have access to all of the tools you need to take charge of your health!

The Wellness Center Program offers you the coaching and support you need to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle.  If we haven’t seen you for over 9 months, we’d love to provide a free cholesterol screen.  Please call us at 970-731-9545 to book your appointment.

The Wellness Center, in collaboration with The Mayo Clinic, offers members a unique opportunity to receive health information, educational classes on nutrition and fitness, discounted services, and much more!

  • Weekly support meetings
  • Monthly newsletter with content from the health experts at the Mayo Clinic
  • Monthly educational classes
  • Cholesterol screening
  • Body fat analysis (initial, 6 month follow-up screen for “at risk” individuals)
  • Free fitness classes
  • Discounts at local restaurants


Cost of Services: $45 per month, $240 for six months or $420 for a full year

For further information about the above services, please contact The Wellness Center at (970)731-9545, ext. 260.